Joolz Hub Plus Pram Review

Joolz Hub+ Pram Review

The Joolz Hub+ Pram is designed for urban living and is the sharpest new pram for the city as well as latest addition to the Joolz family. A compact and comfortable pram with all the Joolz’ premium features, it's great for any mode of transport and is easy to store. If you are looking for a pram that is suitable from newborn than the Joolz Hub+ Pram with Cocoon is another fantastic option and is great for colder months.

See all the fantastic reasons why the Joolz Hub Plus Pram could be the perfect pram for you & your little one!

1. It's Lightweight & Compact

The Joolz Hub Plus Pram has a fantastic ability to cruise through narrow city streets and is a great compact pram for new parents who often frequent the city or are looking for a stroller that can be easily stored. It has a compact fold which allows for it to be tucked away easily into small spaces such as your car or cupboard at home.

Joolz Hub Plus Compact Fold

2. Can be used from Birth with the Cocoon Addition

One of the fantastic features & upgrades in this latest Plus version of the Joolz Hub Pram is that it has a suitable newborn solution for parents. If you are looking for a compact pram but one that is still comfortable & of the highest quality from birth, the Joolz Hub Plus has the option of purchasing a separate cocoon, allowing your little one to lie flat on your journey's!

Joolz Hub+ Cocoon
$169.00 $229.00

3. High Quality Stylings

Despite it's smaller size, the Joolz Hub Plus is a pram that comes with all of their signature stylings including the leatherette handle & belly bar, integrated LED lights, XXL Sunhood, carry strap & shopping basket!

Watch our Video Review!

Our baby expert & store owner Jess Pongrass has reviewed this latest Joolz Hub pram release in detail to help you see all of the awesome new features!

For more reviews by Jess and the team at Baby Village, subscribe to our Youtube channel Baby Village TV so you don't miss a thing! Otherwise, we'd love to see you instore for a test drive!

Written by: Jess Pongrass
As the Face of Baby Village Jess is passionate about bringing the best options to parents & bubs to make life easy, fun & safe! Jess’s mantra as a Mum is try everything and see what sticks!
